About Strength Forge

Here at Strength Forge, our goal is simple in design -
Remove all barriers to strength training and educate as many lives as possible on the importance of being strong.
To bring awareness to it's role, not only for excelling in sport, but as the key to leading a healthy life.
Fitness, body image, bone and joint health and everything in between, is improved from getting stronger.
From articles and seminars to the Journey to Strong - Online Coaching System, Strength-Forge is the ultimate resource for anyone looking to discover their true physical potential and create lasting change.
Note From The Head Coach:
“I firmly believe that the term strength and health are synonymous - we should be striving for a stronger world."
From programming advice to exercise selection and implementation, learn exactly what you need to do to maximise your strength.
Stop conforming to the stone-age recommendations of going for a 2-hour run just to lose weight. Strength training provides you with a much greater return on your investment, not only in the results you achieve them, but the time you gain them in.
Education provided to understand the why behind what you do. We firmly believe that the key barrier to all aspects of exercise (from adherence to optimal progression) is truly understanding why you should train the way you do.
Learn about the most important and overlooked aspect of training - how you perform. What you do matters, why you do it is essential but how you do it truly makes the difference between progress, stagnation or injury. Dive in and begin your journey now.

Jon Mallon,
Owner and Master Strength Trainer
Jon Mallon has spent every waking moment developing his understanding of strength. Achieving an undergraduate degree in Sports Science followed by an MSc Advanced Strength and Conditioning Degree; provides the foundation for teaching others the keys to tapping into their own strength potential.
He has also been a Strength and Conditioning Coach for a variety of sports, from amateur to professional elite level, providing him with the art required to deliver the science. Jon continues to coach on a daily basis and relentlessly pursues his passion for building strength in others.
What Others Say...
I've been using Strength Forge online coaching for long term strength goals.
Jon's programmes and structure to my training has really helped to improve all of the major lifts, whilst staying completely injury free.
With my current PBs of a 260kg Deadlift, a 210kg squat, a 170kg bench press and a 130kg log press.
I'm really looking forward to seeing what future goals can be achieved with Strength Forge.
Craig P
Ashton Under Lyne
I can honestly say training with Strength Forge has been everything I hoped it would be and more!
I was taught to think about each exercise, concentrate on my breathing, posture etc. and how it allows me to continue to get stronger whilst staying healthy!
Jon's knowledge of the body and training is excellent.
Karen C
I’ve learned that in all aspects of training, knowledge is key. The way Jon supplied information and explanation helped my understanding of why certain aspects of training were added in.
Jon highlighted how supplementary exercises assist in reaching strength goals. The knock-on effect of having strength in one lift, helps in other lifts and how mobility and core care/strength is a larger aspect of my training.
If you know why you are doing something, you are more likely to focus properly and complete it. Jon’s enthusiasm and love for training/educating is infectious – that alone makes people want to train!
Kath M
I love training with Jon, I look forward to my sessions and miss them when I am away!
Jon keeps me motivated when I am struggling and the last year has been my most consistent ever in terms of exercise.
I learn something about my body every session and I also have a much better understanding of why things sometimes go wrong with technique, how to fix them and how to prevent them in the future!
I’m really looking forward to seeing what you can help me to achieve this year!
Zoe E
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The content on this website is not a substitute for direct, personal or professional medical care and diagnosis. Any programs provided by Strength Forge coaches are checked and approved by qualified fitness professionals before being delivered to you as a client. While every effort is made to ensure your safety and satisfaction, if our coaches are not physically present at the time of your training, we cannot guarantee either your safety, or optimal results.
Due to this we are obligated to disclose that we cannot be held liable or responsible for any damages, injuries or adverse effects that you may experience as a result of using our services. As exercise is wholly individual, we recommend that you consult a healthcare professional before engaging in any exercise program of any nature, whether this be with or without us.
While we are all qualified within the fitness industry, we are not medical professionals and therefore none of the information found on this website should be misconstrued to mean otherwise.
As you may or may not have a pre-existing injury or condition before embarking on your journey with us, please note that if you choose to participate, you do so of your own free will and accord, knowingly and voluntarily assuming all risks associated with such dietary/training activities. These risks can also exist for those who are currently in good health right now.
To reiterate, it is to be made clear that Strength Forge is not responsible for any injuries, health problems or death that may result from using any products or services from strength-forge.com